26 May 2014


Greetings All,

It is an opportunity reaching you in this month of June. How good is it to be in the middle of the year. Like I asked last week, what is your mid-year appraisal like? Keep your focus right and do not just do things arbitrarily, ensure you hit the mark at all times.

What are we discussing today? Hurting response versus watchful response. Has this ever happened to you? A friend would start a discussion with you saying, my neighbour has a particular challenge, I don’t know what to tell him, what’s your advise? Then you come up with condemnations of the particular deed before saying any useful thing.

Hurting response is when you are swift to advise without carefully measuring what is being uttered. At the time of advising, the person that is being spoken to would not be bold enough to respond to the hurt but the resentment would linger. It has been found out that social support is the cause of many mental illnesses, when the parents and other relatives are not helpful to resolving issues.

Watchful response is a state of putting oneself into the shoes of the person who is having the challenge. It is so easy to judge people; it is so cool to pass comments. Many times, what people had passed comment on that eventually happened to them. Experience is the best teacher. Let our tongue be slow to respond to issues at any point in time. Don’t be caught by your words before you did not exercise some restrain when counsel was sought from you.

I have resolved to watch my response and not hurt others by the way I respond.

Enjoy your week.


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