6 Jan 2014

Exhaustion vs Gradual Usage

Happy New Year,

It is a new year and I am excited to wish you a very pleasant year ahead. My family and I appreciate you for taking time to read our epistle to you every week. Let’s set our feet on the right pedestal this new year. Let’s discuss exhaustion vs Gradual usage.

Exhaustion is when you think of amassing everything to yourself without considering the need of others or the usage of the same resources by others. Exhaustion is really depleting the national treasury, exhaustion is the bedrock of corruption, exhaustion is when you want to be selfishly filled not caring about others.

Gradual Usage is the mindset of selfless people. They want an egalitarian society. A society wherein the meagre resources can get to everyone. They do not accrue everything to themselves and families. Gradual usage of all things help to leave a better place for the coming generations. Gradual usage relinquish a position willingly and not want to stay there for ere.

Will you be a world changer be taking what is sufficient for you and not store up treasures that you do not know who will use it? Will you not exhaust what should be available to everyone.

There are tales to tell about the resources at your disposal now.

Enjoy the year.


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