L-R Olamitayo, wife, Mrs Nike Monica Okudaye, professional Textile Artist and the author

The author and Pa Tunji Oyelana, renowned Nigerian folklore musician

The author and Gbenga Adeyinka, Grand Comedian of the Federal Republic

The Author With Marcus Sorour, General Manager, Waggener Edstrom Communications, South Africa

The Author With Jahman Anikulapo, Program Chair, Committee for Relevant Arts (CORA)

26 May 2014


Greetings All,

It is an opportunity reaching you in this month of June. How good is it to be in the middle of the year. Like I asked last week, what is your mid-year appraisal like? Keep your focus right and do not just do things arbitrarily, ensure you hit the mark at all times.

What are we discussing today? Hurting response versus watchful response. Has this ever happened to you? A friend would start a discussion with you saying, my neighbour has a particular challenge, I don’t know what to tell him, what’s your advise? Then you come up with condemnations of the particular deed before saying any useful thing.


Saanu Janmo,

I want to start on a language note today, like a typical Hausa man would say, Hello All. I am sending my wishes for a lovely day and a week full of giant strides. June is almost here. What is our mid-year appraisal going to look like? Don’t give up, keep at it!

This week, we would be discussing something we know very well. I once remembered hearing that a Manager was taken off a team because he does not know how to manage people. If he assigns a task to those that he oversees, he often does it himself. It came to a point when he was overburdened that others were redundant and the task was killing him. We need not overburden ourselves; the antidote is learning how to delegate.

12 May 2014


Una Good Morning,

With this pidgin greeting do I come to you this great Monday morning. Hope you had a nice weekend? Well, activities that I had to battle with for the weekend was overwhelming but I thank God; I am refreshed for the new week.

I have a friend who was introduced to smoking when he was waiting to be admitted to a tertiary institution of learning. He had the opportunity of mingling with the wrong set of young men and he started smoking. At a point, he wanted to break the habit, he struggled for three months and he did not smoke. He longed for it, he returned and in fact, the number of stick he consumes daily increased. Today, we are taking about the word, habit. So simple but let us look at the two sides of this word.

5 May 2014


Hello friends,

Here we are again at our weekly pond of sharing with one another. It is a delight to be your host on this platform. I hope you are not getting tired of me neither am I clogging your box?

Today is the 5th day in the 5th month of the year. I pray that you will rejoice in this new week and you will not disappoint God and humanity. May your good deeds this week evoke great remembrance for you always.

1 May 2014


Hello Sirs and Mas,

It is the 1st day in May, people had devised an acronym for the month, MIRACLES AWAITS YOU. You will receive miracles all the days in this month in Jesus’ name. (Amen)
I am coming a little late this week because of some commitments. I just learnt something different  in a detailed way during this week and I feel it would be useful for us. I have been told this statement before, “learn to lose the battle and win the war”. Let’s examine, war versus battle today.

Battle, in this sense, is not with lethal weapons but let’s see it in the perspective of the journey of life, which is a struggle. It is a struggle to emerge as the best in the midst of rivals. It is a stumbling block to get a job after writing a test and attending the interview, it is a struggle to satisfy your employer, it is a struggle to change your spouse, it is a struggle to impress your peers. The battle of life is all about a barrier to a dream. For example, you will be challenged as you manage to combine schooling with working, your will have frictions because of it. If you drop out, you have lost the battle.