L-R Olamitayo, wife, Mrs Nike Monica Okudaye, professional Textile Artist and the author

The author and Pa Tunji Oyelana, renowned Nigerian folklore musician

The author and Gbenga Adeyinka, Grand Comedian of the Federal Republic

The Author With Marcus Sorour, General Manager, Waggener Edstrom Communications, South Africa

The Author With Jahman Anikulapo, Program Chair, Committee for Relevant Arts (CORA)

15 Jun 2017

French RSVP vs Nigerian RSVP

Image result for RSVP

Mambo vipi,

I bring you greetings from Kenya, by asking, ‘what’s up?’ in Swahili language.  So, the first half of the year is coming to a close. It has been mixed feelings across different circles. Our heart goes to those who lost their lives and properties in the inferno of yesterday in London.

Today, I will want to touch on parties typically called ‘Owanbe’, a word postulated by the Late General Robert Adeyinka Adebayo, former Governor of Western Region Nigeria. Every party has a stipulated budget, this primarily determines the provision to be made for the guests. We all have the good intentions when planning our parties so as not to fail our guests. Let us consider, RSVP in France and in Nigeria.

The acronym RSVP in French means Répondez s'il vous plaît meaning "Please respond", it is required by the party planner to confirmation if the person would honour the invitation. Also, some people use it in the context of "Regrets only", or a popular modern variation that implies "if you do not reply, that will be taken as an acceptance."

Interestingly, the comic definition of RSVP to Nigerians is “Rice and Stew Very Plenty”. I doff my cap for the person who created this, however, it has impacted negatively on planning a party. No one would mention it that he did not respond to ‘RSVP” to confirm availability. Also, people whose name are not listed on RSVP take offense as if they are not important in the organization of the party.

What’s the crux of the gist? When an invitation is not responded to, it leads to two basic situations- surplus provision or insufficient provision. Planning for an event is as important as the confirmation gotten from the guests.

Equally, when we are taking up other cultures, we should import it rightly into our environment so that we can give the desired result. Things should be placed in proper perspective if we want results akin to that of the originating culture.

Would you respond rightly to invitations henceforth?



24 Apr 2017


Image result for Office


It has been a while that I came this way. Thank God for keeping us till day. I hope you had a wonderful Easter celebration- the holiday afforded me the opportunity to visit different families I have not seen in recent times.  It was a fulfilling experience.

As norm, I will want to start with a little story about a retired man. The man rose to become a C-Suite Executive in his hale days. He flew first class but since he retired, he became a staunch flyer of the economy class whenever he travelled. Let's discuss Officer vs Office.

An officer is someone paid to occupy an office because of his expertise and value addition to an organization. Many times, he is also enhanced through the office. He has opportunities to travel at the company's expense and attend training in ivy - league institutions. An officer could win awards and gain recognition from different quarters. There are a lot of peeks associated with being a resourceful officer.

The office is the position available to any qualified person for a certain time. Time in this context could a fixed duration for those elected and till retirement for career officer. In colloquial terms in Nigeria, "soldier go, soldier come; barracks remain". 

The use of an office could either make or mar the occupant years after. In fact, his children might partake of the good legacies, or otherwise, of their parents while in office. It is wise to make judicious use of one's office to benefit humanity in general.

What will be said about you and I when we have relinquish our various offices. The ball is in our court, let's play it right.

Have a blessed week.



3 Mar 2017


M kana mon,

I have come to you today in the similitude of a Gokana man, one of the languages in Rivers State, Nigeria meaning "I salute You", while you will respond with "E zira" meaning "We return your salute."

In Nigeria, there has always been endless complaints about non-adherence to laws that should guide us in our daily lives as citizens. Earlier this year, an Associate Professor in the United States, Saheed Aderinto shared a memo stating that "a permit was required to slaughter domestic animals (even on religious festivals) in Nigeria. Source: West African Pilot, February 13, 1943." Is this 74 year old law effective in Nigeria? Let’s discuss Laws vs Acquiesce.

Laws according to the dictionary are the body of rules and standards issued by the legislative body, or to be applied by courts and similar authorities. Of a fact, all religious bodies have laws that guide their members.

Acquiesce means to accept or consent by silence. It is an agreement to abide by the laws governing a body either an association, state, country. Acquiesce hold sway on anyone within the geographical territory.  Unfortunately, ignorance is not an excuse in the court of law. 

We all know these words but we do not make them work. Laws would continually be on paper while we all act contrarily. The dis-functionality of the society can be resolved by adhering to the laws of the land.

Laws should help us to live a meaningful life and help us avoid regrettable tales. If religious tenets are adhered to, the world would be a better place.

Would we take to these laws (instructions) so that we do not suffer grave consequences?

Enjoy the rest of the day.



13 Feb 2017



It has been a while that I dropped by with some words on this platform.  It is always a privilege that I do not take for granted sharing some insights with you from time to time. Hope all is well with you and your loved ones? The second month of the year will soon wind up, are we on the right desired path for this year? 

In my generation today, I have discovered that there are many ways of avoiding correction and an apt phrase drawn from the scripture is always used.  Exodus  2:14a "And he said, Who made thee a prince and a judge over us?". Let's brood on the topic- Judging vs Correcting 

Judging someone is by administering a verdict. From a practical standpoint, a judge comes up with his own binding view after listening to all the parties involved. Many times, a judgement can only be appealed at a higher court. However, nowadays it is a rebuttal of an advisory process. 

Correcting someone is a way of advising the person to see issues from another viewpoint from where he is standing. In the process of correcting, the person with a superior stance needs a lifestyle that justifies the correction, the person that is being corrected has the opportunity to weigh the advise and come up with a healthy and balanced opinion.

Those who come up with that phrase, "Who made you a judge over me" technically shut others up in order to keep indulging in the wrong lifestyle while those who are willing to take corrections will view it from a persuasive stance which will redefine his or her attitude to life.

At all times, remember this, "in criticizing to correct someone, you should focus more on killing the issue, rather than discreetly killing the personality." When the personality is killed that's judging when the person when the issue is discussed that's correcting.

Let's not mistake correctional intentions as a judgmental process. 

Have a great week ahead.



4 Jan 2017


E ku ayo odun o!

I have come to you as a Yorùbá man greeting you with all pleasure now that we are in the New Year. May the year unfold with great goodies for us. Amen.

There are many Nigerians in the gaol in different parts of the world not necessarily because they have committed a heinous crime but for their acts of lawlessness. Today, we would be considering this in a very poignant way: Your territory vs Others Territories.

Your territory is your domain where you have a full understanding of the place. This include the language, the culture, the people and the law enforcement agents. For example, law enforcement agents in Nigeria can easily be bribed while this is not applicable in some other nations. In the same vein, it can be as small as your room.

Others territories can be likened to a strange land. A country that is not of one's birth neither is the person conversant with the way of life in that community. Others territory must be carefully examined before claiming to have a deep understanding of the place.

A Yorùbá saying goes thus "ile ti ookun re o toju eni su, a ki rin oru e" meaning the path were you are not conversant with must not be walked in the dark. 

The crux of today's discussion is that you must be careful to carry the right attitude in and out of your territories. Different things happen in different cities and you do not necessarily have to carry the experience of your home territory into other territories for they might not be governed by different extreme rules. Be observant and act accordingly to the rule in other territories. What is acceptable in your territory might be a crime in others territories.

When you are in Rome, behave like the Romans.

Enjoy 2017

