6 Jan 2014

Launching into the deep vs Staying by the Deep


Best wishes this new week. We are looking at what is evident in our lives today in another way.

Launching into the deep is taking a risk to delve into what we really want. Launching into the deep is taking the bold step and being who we should be, launching into the deep is burning the bridge behind you and hitting the rock till you get to the rock.

Staying by the deep is waiting at the comfort zone, not ready to take the risk, believing so much in the seafood brought by the waves. Holding on to the piecemeal. Enduring the available.

There is a need to get out of this comfort zone and give it all it takes to move on.

Launch into the deep and make your dream of being great come true. The stereotype that we have give ourselves too include saying we cannot live in particular areas or do particular jobs.

Risk takers are ice breakers.

Have a nice week.


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