17 Dec 2015



Complements of the season! Hope you had a fun filled Christmas with your loved ones! We thank God for keeping us till this time of the year; regardless of how things are, we are assured of a blessed hope for a shining future ahead of us. All you need will soon come in full measure, be prayerful and be expectant!

After Christmas, we look forward to the end of the year but do you agree with me that some people would still be kicked out of their job before the end of the year, why? That is the 1 million naira question before me. The simple answer is they finished the year carelessly rather than finishing strong.

Finishing carelessly is a phenomenon in which the loose ends are left unclosed; the finishing touches are not done orderly and it is full of noticeable errors. Finishing carelessly is when some tasks are being done in a relaxed mood without caution. People in the service industry can easily be found guilty of this, most especially, when a mail is wrongly sent to the client. Remember, that it is akin to men not to recollect the good things you have done well from the beginning of the year till the time in which that fatal error is committed at the tail-end of the year.

Finishing Strong is the drive of a ‘workaholic’, as it is being called, to ensure that he closes the year on a good note. Such people leave no stone unturned in ensuring that everything is rightly done till the last day of the year. Finishing Strong is not an easy task but it is achievable with a strong desire to make it work. Those who finish strong gets rewarded for their efforts; those who finish strong do not have to panic over appraisal score and they are always looking forward to the next challenge which comes in form of promotion.

Are you finishing the year carelessly or you are finishing it in a strong way that will draw attention to the quality of work that elicit from you.

I will want your assessment; did I finish strong on Versus Series for the year 2015? Let me know by your response.

Enjoy the year 2016!

Best wishes,


1 comment:

  1. You are finishing strong brother.
    Even when comments were not coming in from readers,you kept at it.
    Great job bro.
